Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Welcome to the Environmental/Medical Ethics Shared Blog

Dear Students,

This your professor Dr. Rizz. I want to welcome you to our online blog. This blog, and the blogs that you will create for yourselves will serve several purposes. First, course documents for each course will be available for download here. This will include syllabi, reading questions, reflective essay assignments, and grading rubrics for your writing. Second, during the course of the semester you will be posting answers to some of your reading questions on your own blogs and you will be asked to comment on each others answers. Third, you will be paired with a student from the other class for the purpose of getting feedback on your reflective essays. We will talk more about that later.

Your first assignment is to create your blog using the following steps:

(1) Create a gmail account.
(2) Go to and click on "create a blog" in the upper right hand corner.
(3) Choose a blog title, a blog address, and create your blog. Make the title easy to remember and appropriate for class.
(4) Copy and paste the url of your new blog into the comments folder of this post. Then write your name,the class that you are in (Medical or Environmental), and your gmail account address.